Responsible Gambling

Ekstrapoint is a product designed to offer free entertainment. However, Ekstrapoint also promotes online casinos as a part of its affiliate marketing vertical, and that is why the team behind Ekstrapoint is very strict about responsible gambling. 

The importance of responsible gambling practices is a first when joining Ekstrapoint. It doesn’t matter whether you are a new player on Ekstrapoint or a seasoned veteran. What matters is that you engage with the content on Ekstrapoint and in the entire online casino world with extreme precaution. 

That is why we designed the Responsible Gambling page where our team collected the most valuable resources to prevent gambling addiction and to teach safe gambling practices. On this page, you will meet the Ekstrapoint foundations of responsible gamblings, warning signs of gambling addiction, physical symptoms, triggers, the psychology behind addiction, and the most addictive forms of gambling.

Should you recognize any of these symptoms in your behavior, please ask for professional help. 

Ekstrapoint foundations of responsible gambling

Gambling is never a source of income.

You’ve come across the idea that you can make a living out of gambling?
Stop right there.
Gambling is unpredictable. You can gamble 9-5, but you will not get a paycheck out of it.
The nature of gambling is based on odds.
If you didn’t know it until now, most of the time the house wins.

Gambling should only be pursued as a form of entertainment.

We reckon that gambling offers a thrill. Quite a big one considering that you can actually win.
This is where gambling must stop. It is a form of entertainment and should be seen as such only.
Nothing more, nothing less.

When gambling, you must use a limited amount of money only! Be prepared that you might lose this money!

Whether it’s a land-based casino or an online one, you should prepare in the same way.
A limited amount of money and nothing more.
While you play, there is a possibility you will catch some big wins. And this usually amplifies the adrenaline and brings you to a breaking point.
So, remember, if you were ready to spend 50$, leave the casino with only 50$ spent.

Gambling must never be an escape from real-life problems and challenges.

In middle school, math is one of the subjects that causes the most pain to students.
When you hit a more serious age, you come across housing loans, renovations, pain-in-the-ass discussions with your boss, and etc.
And guess what?
Gambling will never solve any of that.
It never was a solution to any problem.
It never will be.


The first step in solving problem gambling is talking about it. Don’t be afraid to take the first step and speak loudly.

Which organization can help Canadians to find gambling help?

One of the oldest Canadian organizations established as a prominent stakeholder in resolving problem gambling is the Responsible Gambling Council (RGC).

If you find yourself entangled in a problem gambling manner, you should definitely look up a gambling counselor. Gambling counselors in Canada offer free and confidential help. 

Local help for problem gambling in Canada

In Canada, you can find help in the following areas:

Please find the contact information on the following page: List of the Gamling Addiction help organizations in different territories 

What is problem gambling? 

Problem gambling signifies a condition where gambling activity begins to detrimentally affect a person’s overall life. It transcends the realm of wagering money, manifesting through various negative outcomes. Problem gambling emerges when it:

Recognizing Behavioral Signs of Problem Gambling

Identifying problem gambling necessitates attention to distinct behavioral indicators. These signs provide insight into the extent of a person’s gambling-related issues:

 Neglecting Enjoyable Activities

Missed Family Events

Altered Sleep, Eating, or Sexual Patterns

Ignoring Responsibilities

Conflicts over Money

Increased Substance Use

Neglecting Childcare

Constant Thoughts about Gambling

Reduced Spending on Non-Gambling Activities

Dishonesty or Theft

These behavioral signs collectively serve as a red flag for problem gambling. Their presence suggests that the individual’s gambling activity is evolving into a more severe issue, impacting multiple aspects of their life.

Remember, understanding problem gambling and its behavioral signs is crucial for intervention and recovery. By acknowledging the problem and seeking assistance, individuals can regain control of their lives and mend relationships strained by the grip of excessive gambling.

This content was based on information provided by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). To learn more about problem gambling, its signs, and available support, please visit CAMH. If you or someone you know is in need of help related to problem gambling, the Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline is accessible 24/7.

Do you suspect your family member or relative to have a gambling problem?

If you suspect that a person from your close family might have a gambling problem, follow this simple checklist prepared by the Canada Safety Council.

If your gut feeling tells you that your family member or relative might have a gambling problem, never outburst in anger. This situation requires a calm approach. The first thing to do is to bring the problem to the surface and talk about it. No judgments. Try to talk your way into introducing counseling as an option to reclaim control again.

Physical Symptoms of Gambling

Beyond the psychological aspects, gambling addiction can manifest in physical symptoms. These signs can indicate the toll that excessive gambling is taking on your well-being:

Understanding these physical symptoms can help you recognize the potential negative impact of gambling on your health.

For further insights, visit Life Works – Gambling Addiction Symptoms.

Triggers of Gambling Addiction

Awareness of the triggers that can lead to gambling addiction is crucial for maintaining control over your gaming habits. Common triggers include:

Recognizing these triggers empowers you to make informed decisions about your gambling habits.

For more details, visit Mayo Clinic – Compulsive Gambling Causes.

The Most Addictive Form of Gambling

While all forms of gambling have addictive potential, certain types are particularly captivating. For instance, electronic forms of gambling, such as online slots, have been found to be more addictive due to their rapid gameplay and high reward frequency. Continuous games that allow multiple bets at once can also increase the risk of addiction.

To learn more, visit Castle Craig – Which Types of Gambling Is Most Addictive.

If you decide to play at some of Ekstrapoint’s partner casinos, please remember this advice and beware of the slot games and the effect of the rewards dynamics.

The Psychology of Gambling Addiction

Understanding the psychology behind gambling addiction sheds light on its complexity. Like addictive substances, gambling triggers the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine that reinforces pleasurable sensations. Unlike other addictions, gambling often involves cognitive distortions, where individuals convince themselves that continued gambling will lead to eventual wins.

In an article, Dr. Timothy W. Fong, clinical professor of Psychiatry at the Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA, explained that “like addictive drugs such as cocaine, heroin, nicotine and alcohol, gambling activates the brain’s reward system, which is powered by dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter inside the brain that reinforces sensations of pleasure and connects those sensations to certain behaviors or actions.

To delve deeper into the psychology, visit UCLA Health – Gambling Addiction and Psychological Health Challenges.

Play responsibly for your well-being!

At, we emphasize responsible gambling as a foundation for an enjoyable gaming experience. Recognizing the early warning signs, understanding physical symptoms, staying aware of triggers, and comprehending the psychological aspects of gambling addiction are vital for maintaining control. 

By engaging in responsible gambling practices, you can ensure that your gaming remains a positive and controlled pastime.

Remember, if you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, support is available. Prioritizing your well-being is our mission, and together, we can foster a safer gambling environment for all.