Esports Entertainment, a leading provider of iGaming solutions, has announced the sale of Bethard to an undisclosed buyer for €9.5m. Bethard is a well-established brand in the iGaming industry, with a strong presence in several European markets.

This sale surprises many, as Bethard has been a significant player in the industry for several years. However, Esports Entertainment has stated that the deal is part of its strategy to keep its focus on its main business and invest in growth opportunities. Please read our latest EkstraPoint news to find out more about this sale.

Sale repercussions on the iGaming industry

The sale of Bethard will likely significantly impact the iGaming industry. With the loss of a significant player like Bethard, the industry will likely experience some restructuring as other operators seek to fill the gap left by its departure.

Furthermore, the sale may have a ripple effect on the regulatory landscape in Europe. Bethard has a gambling license in several European markets, and its departure may prompt regulators to reevaluate their approach to the iGaming industry.

The implications for operators

The sale of Bethard indicates for operators within the iGaming industry that having a solid strategy and staying committed to core business objectives is crucial to success. The iGaming landscape constantly evolves, and operators must be flexible and adaptable to the changes to thrive.

At the same time, the sale presents an opportunity for operators to expand their market share. They can take advantage of the gap left by Bethard’s departure. By focusing on providing high-quality products and services, operators can differentiate themselves and capture market share in this competitive industry.

The sale of Bethard by Esports Entertainment for €9.5m is a significant development in the iGaming industry. The implications of this sale will influence the industry, and operators must be prepared to adapt to a changing landscape. The sale allows operators to differentiate themselves and capture market share despite the challenges. Operators can succeed in the industry by focusing on core business objectives and providing high-quality products and services.

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